The President of Turkmenistan receives credentials of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Afghanistan


On December 15, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has received new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Turkmenistan Khan Vali Khan Basharmal who presented his credentials to the Head of the State.

Having expressed deep gratitude for spared time, the diplomat congratulated the Head of the State on the 25th anniversary of neutral status of Turkmenistan, having conveyed warm greetings of the President of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani who addressed wishes of wealth and prosperity to fraternal Turkmen people.

The diplomat has also highlighted that his country sincere values traditionally friendly relations with Turkmenistan and comprehensively supports creative foreign policy pursued by Turkmen leader, which is an important factor in provision of peace, security and stability in the region.

Having expressed gratitude for good words and conveyed return greetings to his Afghan colleague, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the diplomat on appointment to the responsible position and wished him success in further strengthening of interstate cooperation.

Continuing the meeting, the President and his guest have shared the opinions on priority directions of bilateral cooperation, which includes trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural spheres. At the same time, special attention has been paid to realization of the agreements reached on high level as well as important joint infrastructural projects.

During the meeting, authorized representative of friendly country has made special mention that constructive initiatives of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on formation of multimodal transit and transport corridors make favorable effect of social and economic development of Afghanistan and its steadfast integration to the system of regional and global economic relations. Implementation of these projects, including the construction of Akina – Andhoy railroad, opens huge perspectives for optimization of transport routes in all Eurasian space.

In this context, the role of Lapis Lazuli transport corridors, which was established under the Agreement signed between Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey and would allow the volumes of trade between the countries of Central and South Asia and European stares and thus, would give new impulse to development of interregional trade and economic relations, has been highlighted.

The diplomat has expressed cordial gratitude to the Head of the State for active support provided by Turkmenistan to Afghanistan in its peaceful restoration.

It is worth to mention that all these years, our country supplies energy on beneficial terms to its southern neighbor, builds social facilities on the territory of Afghanistan and provides opportunity to Afghan youth to study in Turkmen universities.

The Ambassador has assured the Head of Turkmenistan that he would put all efforts for further strengthening of fruitful interstate dialog.

In the end of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Ambassador Extrordinary and plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Khan Val Khan Basharmala have expressed confidence that the relations between two countries will grow and develop based on inviolable traditions of friendship, fraternity and good neighborliness.