On March 30, 2021, an International competition among young lawyers in the videoconferencing format was jointly organized by the Ministry of Adalat (Justice), Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as by law enforcement.
Young lawyers from state and private organizations of Turkmenistan and foreign countries participated to the competition.
The participants of the competition made presentations on such themes as application features of international legal norms, pressing issues of international environmental law and modern legal solutions, improvement of the international legal framework for international transport and transit corridors, and modern experience and prospects in protecting the state interests in international arbitration courts.
At the end of the competition, the winners were announced – Djeyhun Atamuradov from prosecutor’s office of Kopetdag etrap of Ashgabat city and Murad Ovezov from “Hukukchy” Business society took the first places. Second place was taken by Asal Djuraeva, lawyer from the Republic of Uzbekistan and Suleyman Komekov from the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan, and third place was taken by Yakup Ashyrov from prosecutor’s office of Dashoguz velayat and Djennet Novruzova from Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly.