Turkmenistan marks the World Health Day

The World Health Day has been celebrated on April 7. Mass cycling ride has been timed to this international date, which is set in National calendar. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the ride.
Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, capital administrations, public organizations, mass media, universities and youth have gathered next to the Path of Health early in the morning.
Addressing the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has congratulated all on the World Health Day. The head of the state highlighted that this wonderful day embodies high principles of friendship, peace and sports. In this regard, this day occupies special place in national calendar as an important date promoting consolidation of unity and solidarity of people.
Mass public physical training and sport activities held on honor of the World Health Day improve international authority of independent Turkmenistan as the country of health and high spirit, the head of the state said. Social and economic potential of our state, spiritual restoration, wealth of the nation and public health are closely connected to harmonious physical and spiritual development of generations.
Therefore, we attach special importance to development physical training, Olympic movement and sports in general, we deservingly continue such primordial national tradition as upbringing of physical and mentally fit, health generations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.
This is visually indicated by the construction of big sport and equestrian complexes, stadiums, sport schools, Olympic village, by formation of modern profile infrastructure meeting the world level in the country.
Further, Turkmen leader highlighted that many bright events have been written in sport chronicle of our independent state. Turkmenistan has become a center of large-scale international and regional competitions. The success of Turkmenistan in this direction has been recognized by competent international organizations.
Being a member of International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, our country makes worthy contribution to development of the Olympic movement in the world. This year, the Olympic village of the capital will host the World Track Cycling Championship and the Davis Cup International Tennis Tournament.
These days, preparation for the above-mentioned big competitions and further strengthening of cooperation is carried out together with international sport organizations, the head of Turkmenistan continued.
Having congratulated the participants of the sport event on the World Health Day again, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all strong health, wealth and big success in work for improvement of Turkmenistan’s authority.
Further, the head of the state has given start to cycling ride, having headed the convoy of the participants, who were dressed in relative sport outfit. Following the President, everybody have started moving along the routes from the Path of health along Archabyl and Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenues of Ashgabat.
Bright performance of art artistic collectives were expanded on the start point and along the route.
Fosters of the Döwletliler köşgi Palace have joined the participants of the ride near Älem Cultural and Entertainment Center. Young participants of sport and health improving actions have joined the ride on the bicycles presented them by the President of the country.
In the last years, Ashgabat, which is a center of active political, business, cultural and social life of the country according to the status of the main city of the country, has turned into significant center of the world sports.
Powerful modern infrastructure including all necessary for going in for various sports including non-traditional sports for our hot climate like ice-hockey and figure skating, which Turkmenistan citizens learn with big interest and enthusiasm, have been made for short period.
List of the most important sport facilities has been added with big profile facilities in a short period, which did not have analogues in the region until now.
Owing to deeply thought socially oriented policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, physical training and sports have gained a big number of supporters in Turkmenistan, which is by right recognized as a country of health and high spirit today.
Major work is carried out under the leadership of the head of the state for assertion of healthy life style in the society, popularization of mass physical training and health improving movement and sport of the highest achievements as well as to establishment of Turkmenistan as big sport country of international level.
Our country puts high humanistic meaning into this activity directly co-relating the following of ideas of the Olympic movement with implementation of the Sustainable development goals, which are aimed at making of the conditions for maximum opening of human potential.
Today, the sports is intended to be an important component of international cooperation while sportsmen – messengers of peace, who assert high ideas of the Olympic movement with their skills and will.
…Meanwhile, the caravan of the participants of the cycling ride led by the President of Turkmenistan has continued moving along beautiful streets of the city.
The head of the state notes that mass sport events held in the country have an educational function in addition to health improving importance promoting the formation of ecological outlook in the society as good ecology and health are two inseparable factors.
The most eco-friendly transport, the bicycle, is an excellent tools for travelling around one’s homeland. At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov always emphasizes the need of careful attitude to the environment and support of favorable ecological conditions paying close attention to this subject.
Following the route, the cyclists continued riding along Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue toward the center of the capital, which impresses with monumentality and beauty of its architectural look.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov enters the main square of the country with the Government tribune and finishes the ride.
After sport action, the head of the state has noted that current cycling ride on occasion of the World Health Day is to support further active involvement of the population to mass physical training and health improving movement.
Turkmen leader said that similar activities, which also have an ecological orientation, not only make good effect on people’s health but also support consolidation of the society, inspire people to achieve new success.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that remarkable dates in life of the country and society would be marked this year. On the threshold of the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat, the emphasis shall be laid upon on maintaining clean city and development of the capital, provision of high level of preparation to the events, the President said addressing instructions to relevant officials.
Saying goodbye to the participants of sport action, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all success and left the place of event.
Cycling rides and various sport events timed to the World Health Day have also been held in all regions of the country.