
On May 14, 2021, International creative meeting titled “Historical image of Sultan Sanjar - peace and friendship principles of Turkmen people”, was held in hybrid format in the premises of Turkmen State Institute of Culture.

This creative meeting was attended by the scientists and expert from many countries of the world, including Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Romania, United States of America, Great Britain, Republic of Kazakhstan, Iraq, Algiers, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, India, People’s Republic of China, Italy and Turkmenistan.

At the beginning of the meeting the introductory speech was made by the Director of the Institute of the language, literature and national manuscripts named after Makhtumkuli of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Davud Orazsakhedov.

During the event it was told that the Great Seljuk State which was built by the efforts of the Turkmen peoples who had founded great states in the world history, influenced political, economic and cultural life of the world during many centuries. It was also noted that the state built by Seljuk Turkmens is still the important page of the world history and remains in the spotlight of the scientists, historians and politicians.

Rector of the Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Turkmenistan Djumamurad Gurbangeldiev in his presentation underlined a number of fundamental principles that have ensured international prominence and power of the Great Seljuk Empire and which are topical in our times. These are the principles of peace-loving, justice, neutrality and the procedure of concluding the treaties which were the main directions of the foreign policy of Sultan Sanjar.

Sergey Laptev, the senior scientific officer of the Miho Museum of Japan, noted that peaceful initiatives of Turkmenistan are closely connected with principles of neutrality of the foreign policy of Sultan Sanjar, the Ruler of the Great Seljuk Empire.

Director of the Centre of scientific communications and research of Saudi Arabia, Yahya Mahmoud Ibn Junaid in his statement told about the earliest sources of information about Sultan Sanjar.

Margareta Aslan, professor of Kluzh University of Romania, speaking on economics and culture of the Great Seljuk State, noted that during the epoch of Sultan Sanjar the Great Empire reached the highest level of development in trade and industry as well as had become the important trade and cultural center of the Great Silk road.

At the end of the event, the participants of International creative meeting titled “Historical image of Sultan Sanjar - peace and friendship principles of Turkmen people” adopted the Address to the esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.