
On June 10, 2021, the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Independence of Turkmenistan – Development Based on the Principles of Peace and Trust”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan and the Science Day was held in the conference hall of “Adalat” Palace of Turkmenistan. The Forum was organized by the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan.

The Conference was attended by the heads of the UNICEF office in Turkmenistan and OSCE Centre in Ashkhabad, as well as representatives of the international organizations, accredited in Turkmenistan, officers of the law enforcement, researchers of the academic structures, professors, teachers and students of the higher educational institutions, as well as the representatives of mass media.

At the scientific-practical forum the issues of the development of ensuring and realizing human rights, improvement of statehood and national legislation system were discussed. The participants noted in their speeches the results of the implementation of political, economic and social rights of the citizens, rule of law principles and following national democratic traditions.

The speakers told that under the wise leadership of the esteemed President of Turkmenistan in the epoch of power and happiness consistent attention is being paid to the fulfillment of the principles of humanism. In the year, which is going under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust”, and during which the 30th anniversary of State Independence of Turkmenistan is celebrated, it is clearly confirmed the importance of the system of social and humanitarian values that ensure the realization of human rights.

The representatives of the international organizations in their presentations emphasized that in recent years broad opportunities have been created for the further expansion of international cooperation in the field of the human dimension. The conclusions and scientific-practical views voiced at the conference are designed to contribute to the further improvement of statehood, the development of the national legal system and democracy.