
On March 13, 2022, briefings were held by international observers representing the Mission of Observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Organization of Turkic States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, during which the results of monitoring the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Turkmenistan were announced.

Representatives of national and foreign media, as well as members of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan attended the events.

Speaking to the audience, the heads of missions noted with satisfaction that the Presidential elections in Turkmenistan were held successfully, in an organized manner, on a broad alternative basis, in conditions of openness and transparency, with high activity of the electorate.

According to the briefing participants, the invitation of international observers is seen as a desire of the country's leadership to ensure maximum transparency of the current campaign and democratic electoral process.

In their work, the observers were guided by the principles of political neutrality, non-interference in internal affairs, observance of the laws of the state, objectivity in assessing the election campaign, the organization and course of elections.

Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that candidates from three parties, as well as from initiative groups of citizens, took part in the presidential elections. As the heads of missions stated, this testifies to the recognition of political diversity and multi-party system in our country.

The role of the media in the information support of the election campaign was noted. As is known, from the first days of the electoral process, events related to the nomination, registration and meetings of candidates for the President of the country with voters, and the organizational work carried out by the Central Election Commission were regularly covered in print and electronic media, on national television.

It was also emphasized that the election campaign in Turkmenistan was held in compliance with sanitary standards, in a calm atmosphere. The preliminary results of the voting confirm that the Turkmen people voted for peace, stability, for a course aimed at the progressive development of the country.

Observers stressed that during the current elections, Turkmenistan once again demonstrated its commitment to friendly relations with all states of the world. At the same time, members of the missions stated that the presidential elections held on March 12 this year were an important step in the further development of democratic processes in Turkmenistan.