
On April 27-30, 2022, International University for the Humanities and Development hosted the second Open Mathematical Olympiad for University Students (OMOUS-2022). More than 700 students attended the Olympiad from 42 countries.

Students of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan also took an active part in the Open Mathematical Olympiad and got winning places.

Students competed individually in the A and B levels and they solved complex mathematical tasks during the given time. A fourth-year student of the Faculty of the International Economic Relations Akmyrat Tirkeshov won the 1st place, a third-year student Meylis Hojamyradov took the II place and a second-year student Arazgul Ballyyeva and a third-year student of the Faculty of International Journalism Begench Ashyrov took the III places.

The students of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan won the II place in the team competition. The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas.